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The material that we will use should not be that expensive and it should be easy to take off (removing material should also should not be expensive).  We are most likely going to use a surgical marker that Molly, our researcher, found.  Since, it can be easily taken off of skin, we figured that it might also be easy to take off of other surfaces.  One way that it could be removed is by rubbing alchohol. We are still deciding between these to markers.  We will finalize our decision when we find out more information on each material.

Marking Material #1


Marking Material #2

Due to changes in the robot enginerring design, we needed a different marking material. Chalk was easy to remove and easy to apply. Of course, pressure had to be applied. So, we have setup "holders" to fasten them and to be sure it gets all the pressure it needs to make it's mark. The material used to remove it was a "mop". Using a car washing method with lots of bristles, one of our team members had one sewed and are planning to use it to remove the chalk.

We thought that chalk would be too easily rubbed off, so we made our final switch to expo dry erase markers.  We used the same rotating motor with the rubber bands to fasten 3 expo markers.  Since we are doing the color changing challenge, our robot is using red, green, and blue markers.  We are planning to remove the expo markers with expo marker remover.

Marking Material #3

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Address: 900 Hinson St. Las Vegas, NV 89107





GES Project


We have accepted a project from GES and plan to create a robot to map a real-life floor plan. This project will be worth lots of money and we plan on achieving that task. 

Prototype #3

This was built by Rachel and Andrew within two hours after school. Chalk is now being used for the marking of this project.

New Marker Decided 

We have now agreed to use markers instead of chalk. It has low weight which will not slow down the robot and the lines made are not as thick as chalk.

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