C.O.W. on the C.O.B.
Corporation of Whatever on the Corporation of Budder

For our robotics class, we have a lot of projects to work on. Most of them are long term projects. The the main project for this website is the GES website.

Global Experience Specialists (G.E.S)
For our G.E.S project we have to create a robot that can mark tradeshow outlines. This is a very serious and critical project. We have learned a lot about the G.E.S company while doing this projectand going to one of the GES headquarters.
First Lego League (F.L.L) Nature's Fury
For the FLL project, we were required to create a class robot that can help with a natural disaster. The natural disaster that we chose was blizzards. Our robot had to complete small lego obastacles (picking up a tree branch, jumping over debri, move supply trucks, etc.) This project already ended.
eCybermission is a long term project consisting of 3-4 members in each team. You need to help solve a community problem by creating a robot. We were required to have a team log and a mission folder. Out of all our projects, this was the most challenging, time consuming, and serious. This project ended on February 2, 2014.