C.O.W. on the C.O.B.
Corporation of Whatever on the Corporation of Budder
The Team
C.O.O.- Kanokwan T.
Secretary- Nicholas A.
Researcher & Promoter- Molly H.
Website Designer- Paris P.
Corporate Designer- Andrew C.
The Cow Man- Noah P.
Advertising Director- Sabrina S.
Nick, our secretary, programs some of the robot and he also helps with the website. Another thing that he did was find materials for our robot. Just like the C.O.O, he can do many things for our corporation.
Kanokwan, our C.O.O, can do just about anything for our project. She helps with the robot and looks at the website everytime it is edited. One of the most important things that she does is fill in the journal.
Paris is a wiz with computers and art. It only makes sense that we would choose her as our lead website designer. She is currently working on promoting with Sabrina and planning meetings online and in real life for us to gather and discuss ALL the things.
Sabrina is almost always working on a cool way to spread our ideas. That was primarily the reason we made her director of promoting. She also helps with the robot sometimes.
Molly basically gathers information to use for our prototypes and designs. She also helped come up with promoting ideas, promotional filming, and designing the robot for efficiency. And, before we send in ANYTHING, she has to check it for grammar and spelling. She is also a big help with the robot and researching the material that we will use.
Noah is guarder of our supply boxes because apparently loose parts have to be guarded. He also has kind of a weird thing with cows. Molly came up with the name, but he took it to insanity.
Andrew designed our corporate logo. He's also been working on prototype designs and promotion. He is one of the main robot builders and is very useful to the group.
Rachel, our newest member asks for supplies if we need them and asks any questions that we have about our project. She is great with talking in front of large crowds, so she became the spokesperson. She also is one of the main builders of the robot and programmer.